What should I wear to a session?

For your MFR treatment, skin to skin contact is necessary. Please don’t wear lotion or perfume to your treatment, your skin should be clean and dry. For women, an everyday bra and underwear work well, however if you are more modest, loose fitting shorts and a sport bra are acceptable. Men will need to bring a pair of loose fitting shorts (no zippers). Freedom of movement is necessary for this session. You’ll wear the above clothing suggested for the entirety of your treatment.

How many sessions will it take before I feel better?

This question is as important as it is difficult to answer. In short, I don’t know. Each person is different in their healing journey. It depends on how often you come to get work done and how long you’ve had the issue at hand. Your commitment to the work and the frequency in which you perform at-home treatments. I suggest that clients come in more frequently up front so that we can get a handle on their body’s needs, get a good plan for the future and work through any healing crisis that may surface. You will not be “healed” in one session. That’s not what this work is about either. This is about lasting change in your body and following the patterns of blockages until they are completely released. Unfortunately, quick fixes do not exist when dealing with pain and especially chronic pain.

Will Myofascial Release (MFR) Therapy hurt or injure me?

No. MFR is performed with gentle sustained pressure held in certain areas of the body without lotion or oil applied to the skin. Mainly in areas of blockages and discomfort. The therapist will palpate your body to find areas of blockages and then slowly sink into your tissue until they feel resistance. The “holds” last for 3-5 minutes minimum. While this can be uncomfortable and sometimes feel like a rope burn sensation on your skin, it will not injure you. For more information, see "What is Myofascial Release" in the site navigation.

Do you work with infants, children and youth/teens?

Absolutely and often. Trauma and subsequent fascial restriction can occur during birth or at any time during one’s life. Contact me about any questions you have regarding the treatment of your young one.

Why aren’t you / didn’t you working in the area of my pain?

Your body is a big huge sheath of fascia and it’s like a spider web or sweater. Most of the time, your pain in your shoulder is not actually coming from your shoulder. MFR therapists are trained to “follow” the lines of fascia in your body. We will typically palpate (feel around) to discover areas where the connective tissue (fascia) are hard, hot or stuck. That’s where we start and continue to follow that line until it completely releases or unwinds.

What is a healing crisis?
While our bodies want to heal, sometimes the process brings unwanted feelings to the surface. Both physical and emotional. This is not only uncomfortable but can be scary when experiencing your first healing crisis. Your therapist will coach you through this when it happens. You should not be afraid of a healing crisis and know that it is actually propelling you further into your healing journey. Sit with whatever comes up and work through it. The blockages in your body are there due to these things not being dealt with in the past when the injury or trauma occurred. Again, your therapist is there to help you through a healing crisis. New areas of pain can show up in a healing crisis therefore it’s important to breathe, reach out for help and discuss these new areas of pain with your therapist. Most importantly…breathe and know you’re going to be okay.

Have a question that isn’t addressed here?

Reach out to me via my contact information below. I will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours. I offer a free 10 minute consultation over the phone.